Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) uses specially designed contact lenses to gently reshape your cornea while you sleep.
You can enjoy clear vision throughout the day without needing glasses or contact lenses.
Want to know if Ortho-K could work for you? Book in for a free eligibility consultation.
Freedom from glasses without surgery is possible with Ortho-K at Naylor Palmer Optometry
Ortho-K uses a specialised contact lens that corrects your vision while you sleep.
It is most suited for children and teenagers with short-sighted eyes.
Ortho-K corrects the vision and helps slow down progression.So if your child’s vision continues to become worse, or freedom from glasses is desired, Ortho-K is for you!
Ortho-K has changed dozens of our clients lives.
It could change yours too!
Thank you so much to Jacob and the team at Naylor Palmer for making my transition from glasses to Ortho-K run seamlessly. After years of trying multiple contact lenses which didn’t work for my eyes, I came to Naylor Palmer to see if Ortho-K would work. Jacob was extremely honest with me about the process and ensured we had regular check ins to see how things were going. I have now had Ortho-K for over a year and absolutely love it!
Want to know a bit more about Ortho-K?
Here are some FAQ's
Most patients have rapid improvement in the first few days of therapy. Optimum, stable vision will generally require up to 10-14 days of treatment.
No! Most patients are surprised at how comfortable they are. There may be some initial adjustment but because your eyes are closed when you sleep in them at night, you may feel nothing at all.
No, it’s temporary. If you stop wearing the lenses regularly while you sleep, your vision will return to its original state in as little as 72 hours.
The initial cost of Ortho-K vision correction is roughly a third of the cost of laser vision correction. It also is completely reversible and does not have the potential to worsen your dry eyes to the same extent as laser correction. Ortho-K therapy can be modified to give clear vision at all distances without a pair of glasses, unlike a one-off laser procedure.
This can be every to 2-3 years. However, depending on factors such as protein build-up and how well the lenses are taken care of, they may need to be replaced more frequently to ensure adequate vision correction and healthy, comfortable eyes. In the future if your prescription changes ‘beneath’ the Ortho-K then the correction may not be sufficient any longer. A refit of the Ortho-K lenses may be required at this point to optimise the day-time vision.
At first you will need to wear your lenses every night to ensure you have clear vision during the day. As your correction stabilises you may be lucky enough to find that you may still get great day time vision by wearing the lenses only every second night! This is not guaranteed for every one however and patients with higher prescriptions will most likely need to wear the lenses every night for optimum treatment.
This is not a huge problem as you can insert your Ortho K Contact Lenses in the morning to wear through the day. The nature of the design allows you to have sharp vision with them on as well.
There is no age limit, young or old. Ortho-K has been shown to reduce or halt the progression of short-sightedness and it is becoming a very popular method of vision correction in teenagers and pre-teens.